Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why do some books not have ISBN numbers?

They were not created until 1966. Old books will not have them. If the book is new and does not have one, then it is not registered with the International Standard Book Number.

Fall in love. please read my story give me a suggestions?

hey krish its clear that u r being cheated by her...she is not loyal&truthfull to u though u. r..i think its a waste of time to love her u see u r a good person with good minded because u r ready to marry a married girl inspite of her elder to u..she does not seem to deserve ur love...she wants to create sympathy & make u go after her..moreover she uses u as a time p my matter u r smart or not ..i cant say that as i havent seen u ...but im sure ur beautiful in ur mind..there is someone who deserves ur love god will bring her to u...leave all for ur upliftment in life..ur future will b bright i pray for u ...god bless u my frnd..4get mythili...&proceed with ur life...all the best..bye mythilia maranthudu....nallatha thedudu...

What is the name of the small metal cone that goes on top of a ribbon keychain?

A friend of mine has a keychain with several ribbons on it. It is NOT one of those that has just one wide ribbon! It has several different ones and at the top of the keychain they are enclosed in a small ornate silver metal cone. Does anyone what this is called or where I can find one?

Born a leftie but changed to right-handed. Would my life have been different?

That same thing happened to my mom, her teachers in grade school forced her to use her right hand. The only difference your life would have would be that your right side of your brain would be a lil more "stronger" or "more coordinated". But if you still use your left hand for certain tasks, consider yourself lucky; your brain is "physically fit" by being able to use both sides :)

Any good usernames for foopets that involve something like coolpuppy?

I want something to so with coolness and a puppy or dog. Any ideas?? I'm sure you can do better than Puppykool or CoolPuppy.

Why would he choose her over me?

I'm just having alot of trouble moving on. My guy friend and I knew eachother for 2 years. He always hinted that he liked me more than a friend and over the summer i started developing feelings for him too. The more i got to know him, the more things I discovered that we shared in common, and the more I liked him. Our future looked promising and I was convinced we would soon become a couple. Until this other girl came into the picture. All of a sudden one day he started talking to her, and over a weeks duration they became instant friends and he was always around her and ignored me. So I forced myself to move on since he seemed to be too enthralled with this other girl. Those few weeks that we held tension between eachother is when him and that other girl started a relationship. I did not expect that at all. He only knew her for a few weeks, and yet he knew me for 2 years! I dont see what he sees in her: she's so superficial. He deserves better. Me and him had much more of a history with eachother and we really related to eachother. We are back to being friends, but its not the same as it used to be. It frustrates me that he chose her over me! Was it because I wanted to take things slow and wasnt being foward enough? Or did he just lead me on without realizing it? I just don't get it.

What do I do, planning to have for the first time?

concealer and powder might cover it on your chest, and use clearasil acne wash on your back in the shower..i swear it helps...cleared my face up in 2 days

Why was this 10 year old Saudi child bride returned to yer 80 year old "husband" after she'd fled?

that is just sad,and embarring to the Arab world.I have heard about these things over the years.Seriously people,just because they used to do that millenium ago,doesn't mean we should do that now!i don't see how that goes under sharia law!i hate these extremists in Saudi Arabia,they go down the deep end when it comes to these things....but please,don't be like an american,and think all Muslims and/or Arabs are this way,because we aren't!

How do i become a psychotherapist?

Im in my 2nd year Social work degree BaHons at the moment, is there anyway i can go into psychotherapy from here?

Hey i wanna buy a new trendy watch for this new year......?? planning to buy to buy a watch for this new year..... am buying it from all my savings....pls do suggest me a good brand which has style fashion trendy look and it should also have a official look... i mean to say it should go well with all my dresses that is my jeans , cool t-shirt and my formal dresses also...yaaa thats what i mean both in formal and non-formal dresses..... tell me a good brand and name and style watch for the new year.....hey forgot to say the price must be with in RS 2500 to RS 3000.....need not to say it should contain all good warranties, guaranties etc....pls help......thanx.....

I need 25 good disco/techno/house from any era?

I'm having a dance party and the theme is disco, but i thought i'd throw a few good house and techno in there for good measure. I only have 5 songs so far : "Stayin' Alive"-Bee Gees, "Brick House" - Commodores, "Good Times" - Chic, "Don't Stop Till Tou Get Enough" Michael Jackson, and "discotheque" by U2 (i know its not traditional, but there my fav band and i was running out of ideas). A little help?

What tv channel can I watch "Bewitched" (the tv show from the '60s) on?

TVLand or Nick at Nite. If you don't know what time, then look it in TV Guide or some other TV schedule.

What bands are more fun to listen to on headphones?

I've found Pink Floyd and Porcupine Tree like to do speaker tricks... best enjoyed with a pair of headphones. Listening to just one side makes little to no sense.

Ok now that I'm into the english style riding, can someone refresh my memory of the correct terminology...?

I was recently corrected of using the wrong 'word' for an english riding term. It's been 2 yrs since I've ridden english and Im so used to western style that I've lost Any words or terminology I need to know that's used for english riding would be helpful...i.e instead of lope, it's canter...ect. Thanks! =D

If women want to work and be the breadwinners, why do they resent it when men want to be the homemakers?

As a feminist I have never viewed this as a problem. In fact at one time or other both my husband and I were able to stay home and be full time homemakers. We both thought it was great. I don't recall any feminists stating otherwise.

I need your opinions about my baby names!?

The boy's name sounds good and I like that suggestion of Nondys Joy. I don't much care for Nondy or Nondys either, but your daughter could go by Joy and that's a lovely name. It's happy and easy to spell.

What are some really filling vegan foods?

Right now I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian, and I'm trying to go vegan, but every time I stop eating all animal products, I'm hungry all the time, and I have to eat a whole lot.

Do you think Pique crashed on purpose or is he just bitter?

just bitter..................both piquet's are not known for their diplomatic ways are they(particularly snr).

Halo 3 Custom Boosting?

If anyone would like to custom boost halo 3...then add me and send me a message, my gamertag is lv44scyther(main account), ixix mlg xixi(mess around account), i need neg exp(booster account)

Do the adios weight tablets actuli work?


Have you ever been disappointed at your Christmas presents?

Oh yeah, I remember one time I had three presents, and I was so excited because I thought one of them must be the playstation I wanted. I open one, some lame shirt that I would get beat up for wearing at school. The next one, cordoroy pants. And the last one, socks. I was like WTF MOM. CORDOROY PANTS?!

Does the Victoria's secret bombshell bra or bathingsuit work on A cups?

Yes, the Victoria's secret bombshell bra will make your look bigger and ier and it works on any cup.

Capturing the Friedmans Help?

I need some info. that can prove that they are guilty of sodomizing kids in the computer cl. Thanks!!

Why has there been such a high rise in crime, especially violent crime in the last 10 years?

Eh, not sure. I think Chinese people are really gentle and loving in general, with their simple way of life and empathy, so gentle that most Westerners are not comfortable with it. Of course there are criminals, yeah, but I doubt it's worse than America's own crime...

Is My tank overstocked?

no, it is not over stocked, but you need filtration with at least 4x the volume of the tank, or the chemicals will build up and kill the fish. get a better filter.

Did the Flintstones prove that Evolution was bunk? After all their pet dinosaur, Dino lived at the same?

time as cartoon sapiens. Doesn't that disprove Darwin? Sometimes the obvious is just so hard to see.

What to do? my grandma from California talks for an hour on the cellphone with my mom?

Cell phones absolutely, positively, 100%, CANNOT give you cancer. That is an urban legend and nothing more.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I HAVE every existing psycological problem? what the hell? Which one is causing my anxiety?

I think your anxiety is coming from all of your research. Make an appointment with a good pdoc (psychologist) and a therapist. Let them sort out what you have and how to help you.

How can I get my boyfriend to stop pressuring me for unprotected ?

Last Friday I suggested we get tested together for STDs, HIV, etc. The results came back negative and everything was fine. That night though I slept over and we fooled around a bit but he was really insistent on us having unprotected , which he referred to as "pure ". I was pretty clear that seeing how we just got into a relationship in late January I am in no way interested in unsafe . We moved this along pretty fast and it feels a little too fast in some ways.

I don't know what to do with my stepson!!! Help!!!?

I'm sorry but you can't do anything about your stepson. The more you try to keep him from doing that the more he'll either rebel or continue to be with boys. Talk to him. Please try to understand that even though he likes boys and not girls he is still a good Christian. Communication is what you need . Please accept him as he is,or he'll end up as my friend. My friend killed himself because his mother didn't accept him and he had to live a lie at school

Lacrosse stick question?

i was wondering if i put the stx proton power head on the brine swizzbeat would i have to drill a new hole in the stick to attach the head to the shaft

Good Slo-Pitch team name?

We are joining a spring tournament in March, but don't have a name yet. The league all the players are from is Eastmount. Since we are being sponsored by the league, we want to put Eastmount at the front of the name, but we have no ideas for after that.

Can anyone explain the story of Joseph and the Coat of many colors to me?

Jacob adored Joseph and gave him a coat. His brothers were jealous of him. Joseph had a dream that his brothers and parents would be bowing down to him. This infuriated his brothers. They got mad and sold him as a slave. He got to Egypt and made friends with the Pharoah. He prophesied for the Pharoah and the prophesies came true so the Pharoah put him over his household. When the brothers came for food during the famine they found their brother, Joseph, there. Joseph forgave his brothers and had them move to Egypt with their father Jacob to take care of them. This is a great story about forgiveness.

How do you think Paul Bearer will be apart of the Kane/Undertaker feud + YWWA Presents GCW Results 3?

I think he will manage Undertaker then somehow Kane gets hold of the urn that controls the Undertaker.

Why do Siamese cats get sick easily?

My piano teacher owns five or six (indoor) Siamese cats. They are very well taken care of; however, they seem to get sick really easily. One of them recently died of a mutated version of peritonitis and was only three-years-old. I've also known other people with purebred cats and those cats get sick easily. Me and my husband only have owned mixed breed cats. Our current set are over six years old and they have had no major health problems whatsoever. Is the reason that purebred cats more sick is because there is inbreeding at the "catteries"?

Any crazy ideas for a summer to do list?

throw eggs at school shaveing cream cars and chase down ice cream cars till all 10 of us have had 5 cones and stuff is fun to do with friends

Can i give my 5 1/2 month old heinz strained baby food?

ok so i just started my son on solids( doc said it was ok) and i was wondering if i could give him strained baby food, i bought some but it doesnt say what age to use it???

I need help with my ps2 wireless controller I think it just needs new batteries but I'm not sure I just got it

I have a pelican wireless PS2 controller, and I just got it, and I wanted to try it out, but I didn't have any new batteries, so I took the ones out of my TV remote. When I hook the thing that detects the controller in the controller slot, the LED light on it glows green, and the LED light on the controller apidly blinks green when I press a on, so I know it works, but when I try to use it, nothing happens. I mean like it says, "press start", and when I do, it doesn't work. I think it might just be the batteries, but I'm not sure, so can somebody please help me?

Isn't it great how "conservative" is now a bad word and "liberal" is synonymous with human decency?

No...I don't like seeing either as a bad word. Though liberal, I respect principled conservatives. I don't agree with them, but I respect them (if they are principled, and not self-serving and power hungry, such as Tom DeLay or Newt Gingrich). Pragmatically, neither ideology fits all problems. Sometimes, a conservative approach is needed, and sometimes a liberal approach is needed. That said, it thoroughly disgusts me that conservatives have appropriated the word "liberal" and treat it and say it as if it were a term describing pure filth.

Synthetic oil and piston ring?

All I know is I switched to synthetic on my 10 year old Toyota Solara and...the oil never got black between oil changes even if I went a year or 12,000 miles ( I usually change it ever 6 months tho)...I also noticed the car seemed to run smoother and quieter...and it never ate a drop of oil between changes..and I also noticed that my gas mileage improved by about 2 miles per gallon. I love it, and will use it in all my cars. Also it does not void a new cars warranty..that should tell you that even the auto makers approve of it. good luck.

Where could I find a free site to start a blog/website to start a simple newsletter site. TY?

I want to start a simple " To live frugal " and be content blog or website. Perhaps it will grow and become visited a lot in the 'future' but I don't want to really pay right now, but 'if' it does become visited a lot I don't want to move it and lose those that are visiting it. It will be just a black & white site, where others & businesses can post their sites for additional information that contributes to the living frugally site. Your istance with this request will be very much appreciate & looked forward to your reply. Thank you.

Im playing sims2 bustin out for playstation 2 and I'm on free play trying to create a house but there is a red?

Im playing sims2 bustin out for playstation 2 and I'm on free play trying to create a house but there is a red bar on the right side of the screen and it won't let me buy anymore furniture is there any cheat to get rid of that stupid bar lol :)

If Women are more religious than men, why are men suppose to be the head?

It was appointed apparently to men that they are to be the head of the house according to God, but there are hundreds of churches that state that were it not for their female members, they would not survive, they are just more involved. No offense to men that are actually involved with their church, but men many times don't seem to want to be bothered by their religious counterpart. I'm also in a relationship were my man is more pive than I, and if we were to get married, I would have to submit? I don't know if either would be comfortable with that. Its unfathomable and the only real issue I have with the bible (well, there are others, but lets stick with this). Another reason this irks me is that I have many good female role models in my life, but pretty much all my male kin were either into drugs and alchohol or womanizers and my father was never really around. Maybe this bothers me because in the back of my mind I don't see men as dependable, at least the ones I've come across.

Which current player(s) do you think will join the 2,000 hit club?

Ichiro is a hit machine, obviously. Albert Pujols isnt human and is secretly a robot, so he'll join that list. Joe Mauer is already a batting champ at an early age. Dustin Pedroia, Michael Young and is Chipper Jones there yet ? Sizemore and Braun are good bets too,

What movie is it where these guys in santa masks kidnap these kids?

its kinda old, but not in black and white, prob 70's. it has a teacher taking a whole bunch of her students of all different ages out on a trip but these guys in santa masks kidnap them. at one point they meet this old couple then they swim through some water or something. anyways they end up making makeshift weapons and killing them viciously. anybody know what i'm talking about

What Name do you like for our first Daughter... Brynlee Louise, Mckenna Renae, Ashtyn Rylee or Emlyn Sawyer?

My middle name is Louise and my husbands is Riley but for a girl middle name we would spell it Rylee...

Why do people think Lady Gaga owns fashion and crazy stunts?

This doesn't seem to be a question that requires an answer, since you've pretty much answered yourself, but I'd say that people are into Gaga because they have very short attention spans. Like crows, their eyes are directed to the newest, shiniest thing. In a few years, she will be but a meat dress wearing boil on the world's collective memories.

What do you honestly think of this bag? (link)?

It's very busy, meaning there's a lot going on with the pattern and structure and everything. It's a bit much, I wouldn't wear it, but if worn with a more neutral outfit it could be cute.

I need a good community service project idea?

I want to do a community service project at my school i want it to help a lot of people but i also want it to be uniquely different and fun. Got any ideas?

Why is some hate understandable, but other hate not tolerated?

I think it is ironic that for example, in this country it is okay to hate Muslims. The media does the public a enormous disservice by telling us how much the Muslims hatres Americans. But ironically the first Muslim country to weep for the US after 9/11 was Iran. I am not saying Shariah is the best thing but I think the people really should think about what information is being shown to us. But how come no information is shown as to why people really dislike particular people who practice the Jewish faith? If you are a proprieter and you get constantly haggled on your prices by people who happen to have the name Lowenstein or Goldberg, you may feel a little resentment. Your resentment may grow a little more when you go to a shop that is owned by someone of Jewish faith and they kick you out for doing the same thing. Why is it the end of the world as you know it were you to resent behavior of that nature, but if you are against Muslims, you are an American? Personally I wish we were all

Do you like this poem?

i actually really like that poem. i love the way how you describe how you view people and their conformity... it's deep. i can totally understand how you feel. keep writing, you have some real talent.

Who's the better singer?

Cedric...he has the advantage of having one of the best guitar players in the world to play with though so that helps

A woman's bad day?

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! JUST CAN'T STOP LAUGHING!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How much is the cost of gifts at Disneyland Club 33?

Members and guests at Club 33 can purchase rather costly souvenirs including commemorative plates, lapel pins, watches and pens. These pieces of Disney memorabilia occasionally appear on Ebay, but cannot be purchased anywhere in Disneyland outside the Club.

Four Earth Signs in chart?

I have four earth signs in my chart and i'm on the capricorn/aquarian cusp. Does that make me an earthy person? lol

I have bad bunions and am seriously thinking about having an operation....?

i've heard some people have benefited from it but some have said its the worst thing that they have done, please can anyone shed any light on this... what does it involve? how long will i be off my feet? is it painful? will my foot go back to normal? please help!

Is this a boho look? (pics)?

yes, its sort of a boho look but you might want to stick to the more earthy tones like brown, darkish green and tan colors. the look is earthy and layered, with loose flowing fashions and accesories. beads are also a good way if your trying to go boho. its also very vintage.

9mm +p and barrels. Will it work?

I have two 9mm guns. Kel-tec P 11 3" barrel, HiPoint carbine 16" barrel. For home defense. Is anything gained with +P ammo JHP over standard JHP.

Pacquiao fans, do you remember my Mayweather-Mosley prediction?

Some of those losses of Pacquiao's were years, and many many quality pounds ago. The Mayweather-Mosley fight was an obvious prediction, this one is definitely not... by they way, they will not fight. Mayweather's too much of a chicken ****

Guys: Do you check out when you have personal problems or because you're no longer interested.?

idk .. its diffrent with all guys .. i had some one break up with me cause he was depressed .. ? ... and i thought he found another girl?

Hyphenating name?

I have a hyphenated name on credit cards, pport, drivers license- you name it. When I fly, I sometimes book the flight with my maiden name- sometimes my married. I have gotten checks with only on of the two names on it; never had a problem. It is easier in my eyes to hyphenate your name. especially when you consider all the places you'd have to change your name if you were going to keep just your husbands name- this way your bases are covered! I have never heard of a man doing it though- interesting! Good luck!

I want to join in MIT ?

I ‘m living in India. Currently I’m doing my B.Tech 3rd in Electronics And Instrumentation. And I want to do my Master Degree in MIT USA.So, Anybody can please tell me What is the procedure.And what is the eligibility marks scores and Age limit also.

Serious question about UK soaps?

...and how come you never hear someone in the Rovers Return say "Did you see Eastenders last night?" I thought that soaps were supposed to be realistic?!


I hur my knee during track. When track ended, it went away. Today I was at cross country practice running on the track and my knee started hurting like CRAZY! I can't bend it and can barely walk on it. My mom won't buy me a knee brace. I really need one. How can I convince her to get me one?!

What is a good homeschool Math curriculum ?

We used Saxon for one year and we didn't like it, either. We then switched to Horizons and it has worked very well for us. We also really like Teaching Textbooks, but it doesn't start until grade four. Both of these programs have online placement tests.

I need help involving alcohal and a girl. please?

right now i am having a big dilema with myself. i been seeing this girl for a couple months now and everything is awesome. i am head over heals for her, and she is for me also. now she is off to college far from mine so i havent seen her for a few weeks but we talk daily. but her main home is close to mine. what is troubling me is that she drinks alot of alcohal. and i am very very un easy with that. cause i obviously want her to stay pure cause she is so stunningly beautiful and is such an amazing person. she knows how i feel about it, n she takes account on it but not entirely. im at the age where i want to have a steady long term relationship with somone i really love. and i truely feel it can be her because our chemistry is unreal and we feel right about eachother. the only problem is that i dont feel i am in any position to tell her what to do. she may do as she pleases when it involves alcohal. as much as i care about her i feel like letting her go just because of that. i am not picky at all but that just isnt something i want in a relationship. its not who i am or what im about. at the same time i dont want to lose her because she has grown in me so much that i feel like she is a part of who i am now. any advice on what i should do?? just cause she is so "amazing" and so "beautiful" shouldnt hold me back from knowing what i want right? what would you do in this position? forget about her flaw and go with it? or just let her go? better yet what is the right thing to do?? thankyou guys

Is L'Or�al Casting Cr�me Gloss plum the best semi permanent purple hair color (colour!?) for dark hair?


What should I study to become a weatherman?

I have been looking to become a weatherman. Is there any cles I should be looking at taking in High School to help with this?

Why are the veins in my arms so prominent?

As long as i remember the veins in my arms have been extremely visible and i am unaware of the cause. I am a 13 year old boy with a very healthy lifestyle and certainly not obese or overweight. i used to believe it was varicose veins but was proven wrong when i was told varicose veins are unable to form in the arms. I only see it in my arms and not anywhere else like my chest. I have noticed them to protrude more after vigorous exercises but not always. They will sometimes protrude for no apparent reason. My Father has also experienced this condition but i have not met my Grandfather so i would not know if he experienced the same. Any possible diagnostics would be greatly appreciated. I have researched multiple subjects and have resorted to some tabloids for answers. (i have heard that angelina jolie has a similar condition) Just a simple suggestion would be appreciated.

How many gallons must you carry to require a Haz-Mat endorsement?

I thought it used to be a 1000 gallons or more but I'm not sure. I have went top the DOT and I have a Haz- Mat handbook, but I don't see where it states how many gallons you must carry to need the license. Thanks to all who respond!!!!!!!!!!!

Muslims, about a claimed problem in english translation of Allah in Quran?

Arab Christians and Arab Jews ~21 million people, call their God, also Allah. But the ignorants will never understand.

What are deployments like for AF TACTICAL AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE?

Hey, I want to enlist in the Air Force cause I wanna serve my country and really wanna work on planes. I don't mind deploying but I heard storys about airmen deploying and being igned to army units doing grunt work like convoys etc instead of their trained skill. Since Tactical aircraft maintenance work around the clock, would I get picked for such things?

I am a beginner fantasy writer and I need some help! Could someone help me?

One quality a writer should have for any kind of book is to have a plot for the story they're planning to write. Do you have a plot? Do you know what's going to happen to your Libertators and Death Rippers and whatnot? Making character templates describing their looks and powers is hardly enough.You've designed a bunch of evil-looking beasts that resemble every other evil-looking beasts in fantasy and horror novels worldwide. What is going to set YOUR story apart from everybody else is what you do with them and the other characters.

I've created an E-Fed, I have a few members but in desperate need for more, any ideas?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

GUYS have you ever been in love with an average looking girl?

people told me my ex was average and that there were much better looking girls who put out and liked me, but i loved her the moment i saw her to me she was as beautiful as an angel and had the personality to match so don't worry you'll find that guy by being you, just have some confidence, and if your going to diet and exercise do it to make you happy not for future guys to love you, good luck hope i helped =]

A question for those who finished Harry Potter 7....*spoilers*?

YAY!!!! HE LIVES!!!!!! So does Hermonie,Ron, and Hagrid!!! :D My favorite characters!!! I wish that Dobby, Fred and Lupid didn't die though...I liked them too...I like Snape now. Pity Rowling couldn't show us that he was a good guy earlier...anyway, now for my question: Ok so the reason why Voldemort couldn't kill Harry the second time is because Harry wasn't afraid of death...or was it because Voldemort killed his own piece of soul and not Harry's??? I'm a little lost on that part of the story...

Is what Alex ferguson did to Preston cheating?

its not cheating no .. but i have to agree with wolfie .. he should not be able to let his emotions control him or football in general .. it concerns me tbh .. its a sign of mental weakness in my eyes .. and puts added pressure on his son getting another managers job ..

How can taoism relate to your every day life? for example, sports or anything! could someone tell me?

taoism is basically humanism in a nutshell, what you do in life has everything to do with tao and taoism.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Is it possible there was a mistake a birth (ZODIAC) ?

cancers are a LOT like pisces. They are both water elements that are EMOTIONAL. I really doubt there is any problem with your birth chart. You just aren't exploring scorpios and cancers enough.

Is there a genre on yahoo just for writers?

Is genre the right word here? At any rate - I don't believe so. Could be wrong - but I have yet to discover anything of the sort for writers on Yahoo! Then again - I never bothered to look beyond Books & Authors.

How do you say "strong and beautiful" in Swahili?

I believe "strong and beautiful" would be "hodari na sena". The phrase is referring to a person. Since there are so many different words that mean the same thing, I'm really not sure. I'm also not sure about the grammar. Thanks!

Something, idk...?

you definately need to be talking to some sort of councellor and fast we still have no idea how else to help. whats got you so messed up maybe if we had some idea of whats causing your confusion we could give more specific advice. e-mail if you like with something more specific.

Is Rachel's Challenge legit? Is it a Publicity Scandal?

It's like the people that see Obama's face on a potato chip. You can see whatever you want to see. I'm glad that you have some good old fashioned common sense. Don't lose it!

Can I bring a 13" Macbook Pro (2011) on a westjet flight in Canada?

The plane stays in Canada (Calgary to Montreal). I read that the restrictions for carry on luggage were country specific. The laptop definitely makes the size and weight restrictions, and it is said that laptops are allowed on, but I can't help but wonder if macbook pros are exceptions seeing as they are encased in aluminum rather than plastic.

Are these Jordans real?

pretty sure that they are. pics look good, feedback is good, price isn't weird. you can't tell from pics but i would say they are real

What is the average life span of a spotted hyena in captivity and in the wild?

Hyenas, like many primates, have pretty long life-spans. They can live up to 19 years in the wild and up to 41 years in captivity.

Help with Platypus report?

try wikkipedia ect. there should be tons of info availalbe online. be sure to mention that they lay eggs and have venomous spines. And a baby platypus is called a puggle. (the true puggle, not the stupid mutt mix that people charge tons of money for)

Where can I get Alexander McQueen armadillo shoes? Real or fake?

Im in Love with Alexander McQueens Armadillo heels as seen on artists like, Kelis & Lady Gaga. Im curious where I can get a pair or copys of the shoe online or by phone? .. RIP Alexander McQueen :(

How do I deal with favoritism?

I have two children and as a mother my son always tells me I preffer my younger daughter which is not true is just that he is older and knows better that to get into a fight with his younger sister, he should tell me so that I can talk to her and punish her if necessary but instead it gets worse and bigger I hope that is not your case but maybe you should tell your mom how you feel and hopefully she will see if she is doing something wrong (not that she will admit to it) but at least she can start changing. I hope this helps and remember that communication is very important.

Does this p as Bruschetta?

Where I live in Emilia romagna, that would more likely be called stria than bruschetta, but why not? There are many variations on clic recipes. Go to Florence and try the ribollita at all the different places that serve it - no two are exactly the same, but they're all good.

I like my best friend?

s are cool. Try explaining your feelings to her and maybe whe will give it a try. But it's most likely a stage you'll get over. If not, embrace it and search for support groups.

How is it possible for some people to actually spend more time talking than breathing?

no trust me my whole family is full of chatterboxes (I'm not) like certain people like my mom, brothers, and aunts and uncles. That's just their personality.

Who can translate this sinhala to english ?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Do you think it's trashy for girls to ...?

I think it's more in how you carry yourself. I've seen some really cute ones that have made me want to get mine done, because the girl is put together and carries her self well, but I have also seen girls who wear skin tight clothing and look like they don't care. It all depends on the person

Can anyone help? Having bogging problems w my Kawasaki stx jetski?

It's a 97 stx 900. It was booging down, especially at low rpm when I hit the throttle. Starting stalling out. Once I got the rpm's up it runs flawless untill I let off the throttle, then back to square one. So I emptied old gas, changed fuel filter, and added carb cleaner additive. Seemed to start getting better, but not 100%. When I played with the choke a little, it would jump right up and go. So I really think it's the carbs. Is a rebuiled the only way out of this or does anyone have other suggestions? I'm not a mechanic and don't want to spend a whole bunch fixing it. Any help is appreciated, thanks

My iPod touch screen is frozen?

Plug it in to your PC, go to iTunes, and restore your iPod (under my iPod>About my iPod). Or you could wait for it to run out of battery, then plug it in and charge it.

How is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) used in criminal investigations?

PCR is a technique used in molecular biology. Basically, DNA polymerase is manipulated in a way that makes it undergo enzymatic replication. So if you have a small amount of DNA, say at a crime scene, using the PCR technique will cause the DNA polymerase to start working and replicating more of the DNA that you already have.

Is there supposed to be waves and some dents in a Mizuno techfire fury softball bat?

I've had this bat 3 years now with some waves and dents (no cracks) and I'm still hitting well with it. I heard dents are part of the bat's mystique.

When i don't drink, I get depressed.?

I have been having 2 gles of wine a night for at least 20 years. Sometimes, I might have another one with dinner. I know I use alcohol as a stress reducer, and as a reward for getting thru the day. Problem is tho, I would like to stop this habit, and just drink socially. I find that when I try, I become depressed, and bitchy. I only have these two 5 oz gles of wine around 9pm, and never drink during the day; don't even think about it. Am I an alcoholic? Why does this mean so much to me, and how can I stop it? The thought of giving up drinking for good makes me depressed. They say if you have trouble giving it up, then you have a problem because you need it. Well, I need it. But is that bad? And how do I stop, and just drink socially, like one or two times a week with friends?

What should I research for a teen Christian-based novel?

There is no such thing as a Christian fantasy writer. If you are a Christian you should be writing about the Lord or God and how amazing he is! Not about some sci-fi fictional nonsense. Forget about appealing the the mes, your writing should be appealing to GOD!

Wouldnt you just love to slap a Democrat right in their face?

Your husband spilled a shake all over some lady, and you are proud of him? You should probably get him some anger management, he sounds like a real jerk. I thought your husband also fought for freedom of speech, yet you do not believe in it, it sounds like a mental disorder.

In horse racing, Rogan Josh (Australian racehorse) doesnt get a lot of credit. I think he was a handy stayer.?

I actually saw Rogan Josh win the Bunbury Cup, when he came from near last on the home turn, He improved in leaps and bounds when prepared by Bart mings, perhaps if Bart had trained him earlier in his career he could have been anything ? I still rate him highly and agree he was as good as the ( above mentioned ) horses you have compared him with.

Became a father last month. Any advice?

i like to say good as a new dad you need to know some thing's.right now you got it ease but later on it well get harder for him or her get growing you fine your self doing more and more for him or her. and as time goes by you well be looking for that 2 job just so you can make ends meat the needs for him or when they get to school now you have a hole different ball game depending on what him or her would like to do like lets say he likes football well you are looking at about $400.00 just to get him stared. now if she like thing's like band well you got to buy what ever she needs for what ever she is doing and that well come about $600.00 to $1000.00 it's all up to you have not gotten to high school yet.boy are you going to have fun there. hay it's all for the kids right.and we all wont the best for are kids right so the best of luck to you.your friend fred

Is Al Gore's global warming scare political propaganda?

Global climate change is a LONG TERM phenomena. It isn't about weather, it's about climate. It doesn't mean there won't be cold snaps. It means the overall average temperature is rising a few degrees, and this has long-term, global consequences. And a few mistakes or anamolies doesn't change the overall science.

RHH: Rate Cage's Albums?

The phase "That f^ckin sucks" could be used to describe all of them, with the exception of Again, which not only sucked, but was gay aswell.

Pheromones and marriage?

Do pheromones play a role in marriage? I absolutely love the smell of my husband's bo. To me its very attractive and is like a perfume I know it sounds gross and bizarre. But I have smelled others with bo and it grosses me out. Is this normal? Is this just how we are made?

High or Mid efficiency?

My furnace is on the fritz. The house is a rental and I will not be paying the utilities, my tenant will be. I am just trying to decide between a high and mid efficiency gas furnace. I can get the mid installed for 1000$ or the high istalled for 1500$. What are the prices normally? I know I'm getting a pretty good deal. So which would you choose? Thanks

ARE those Man U die hard glory hunters really pathetic?

Glory Hunter - I suggest you start using some of that pion on supporting your team rather than hating mine. The fans that support United that You Call Glory Hunters, do so because United are the most Successful Club in the EPL. Did you know that Manchester City have no more Fans in Manchester than United. We have more Fans World wide because of History and Success. I like the fact that, where ever i go in the world, i Bump into people who love the Team i grew up supporting.

Strong 12 team Fantasy Hockey team?

yea i think you have a good team and right on for doing fantasy hockey i didnt think anybody did but yea i think it looks pretty good i drafted Bryz myself

How do you want your body prepared after you die?

Me, I first want my head to be surgically removed and have a cast made of my skull to forever stay with my family (appalling, I know, but everyone who knows me would see my skull on a pedestal and just laugh at it reminiscently). Afterwards, I want to be cremated in one of those snazzy cardboard coffins (close-casket, of course). Cremation is more environmentally sound than the traditional burial, and why should I spend thousands of dollars on a box that's just going to be completely destroyed? With the cardboard coffin, I'd write "THIS END UP" with an arrow pointing straight into the furnace for comedic effect. After the funeral service, all of my mourners would take the Sharpie given to them at hte beginning and write their goodbyes and signatures on the coffin like a yearbook. Finally, I want my ashes to be held in an urn with a tag on it that reads either "Don't open 'til X-Mas" or "Don't Panic", with the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy smiley face on it. *lol*

Hey Christians what's the real deal with hell?

Its not fictional, Hell is the dwelling place for demons and satan created by God b/c they left their Heavenly positions by sinning. People who die in their sins are brought down to hell (the lost realm) to be tormented until Judgement Day, that day hell inhabitors including satan will be cast into the lake of fire to suffer the eternal separation from God.

Dec. 24 - will Hawaiians attend the College FB bowl (Hawaii versus Notre Dame)?

To be Hawaiian you must have Hawaiian Blood. All the rest of us with no Hawaiian Blood are Locals. Not everyone on the Warrior football is Hawaiian.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Do you think Politics ever gets too crazy?

Absolutely. We have people here trying to convince us that all individuals of a given religion, race, ethnicity, whatever are horrible and dangerous. I am shocked at the degree of ignorance and bigotry displayed here by some. They are so wrong and strong in their beliefs and persistent. It is actually somewhat educational to know that such people exist in this country. That accounts for a lot.

Is an ociate degree program same as a bachelors degree (eg. BFA)?

No. An ociate's degree is comparable to going to a university for two years and then dropping out. A Bachelor's degree usually takes four years.

Im feeling like its getting over, and something's gone wrong?

when the pain inside grows so strong that external pain seems nothing....i being hemophobic was scared even with a drop.of blood dripping from any bruised part...but now the internal pain can even subdue for blowing my brain no longer scared to kill myself and my brain is tired enough to do that....i feel dejected, lonely and just feel my life is summed up.....manytimes i wonder my state, and it doesn't seem to help but being worse day by reaching an point of absurdity in my life, and guess nothing can heal that.

Why Hindus say 'Hari Om'? What does it signify?

It is an utterance by Hindus seeking protection from the Lord. Om is a basic monosyllable mantra used to invoke Cosmic energy, where as 'Hari' is the Supreme Power that removes all the causes of sorrows and sufferings.It is also 'ajapa japa', which means 'a prayer without being prayed.' It comes normally, effortlessly and spontaneously, after a period of practice.

Should I Tell Him I'm Pregnant?

Ok, so your 16 and you have a baby on the way, right? And as I can see you obviously are mature enough to realize that this isn't a joke! Your boyfriend chose a dirt bag, and WEED over you? But he wants you back & you want to be with him. Honestly, my opinion for you is to tell him strait up that your pregnant with HIS child! Just say: Remember our condom incident? How it split?... well Will, I'm pregnant, and your the father." or however your wanna word it. He needs to really grow the hell up and realize you two made a big decision to have , and the consequences came true. He needs to be there for YOU and your baby. Let him back into your life. Don't forgive him completely though. He showed his ***! Tell him this is his last chance, and after this one there aren't anymore, and you won't look back! He screwed you over once, and if it happens again that's it! Goodbye! Tell him how much you love him but you can't deal with the hurt. I hope the best for you two! And your new member of the family! :) Good luck!

Encrypted external WD hdd question for connecting to ps3?

It should be possible to totally disable the pword or you could just use a hdd that doesn't have the encryption feature. Remember that the ps3 isn't like a computer with windows, its a hd gaming slash video machine. Not a info gathering slash office device.

What is the Air Force like for an Officer?

I know that this somewhat an opinion question, but I would like some answers/help on this topic. I am in High School and I have decided that I want to become an Air Force officer, and serve my country. I want to do ROTC in college, and the do OTS to become a second lieutenant. I am aiming for a job in the cargo specialty and to advance to a higher rank. My question is, what is ROTC, OTS, and general life like for an USAF officer? Benefits, Quality of Life, Toughness of program, etc. Thanks for any help on this, and I GREATLY appreciate it. Thanks again

Mouth cancer?

I know I don't have it but I'm just curious. I quit chewin last year just cuz it got old and I never chewed much just when i played vids or poker but I was a cigarette smoker for 4 years and a dipper but not a dipper for almost 5 years Im only 25 would there still be a chance I could get mouth cancer? I have good oral hygiene too and when I get canker sores they only last probably a day or 2.

Need help picking out a girl name!?

Honestly they all sound like they could be the names of my grandparents....but that doesnt matter what matters is what you and ur hubby like...Out of all three I would pick Adeline...I guess that one is not that bad...

What does it sound like I have?

My throat hurts so bad. This is my third sore throat this year. Is that enough to get my tonsils out? Anyways, I have a lowgrade fever that keeps steadily rising. It was doing that yesterday too. By the end of the day it went from 99.2 to 103. My throat hurts really bad. I can't eat any solids because of it. I feel dizzy and I have a headache. I take ibuprofen, but all it helps is my fever for a little while and my headache. I'm really tired but I can't sleep because of how bad my throat hurts. Last night, I must have been delirious or something because I was laying down and my mom was in the room. I asked her if she remembered the stray dog that we had in the basement and we couldn't figure out how to get him out (that we never really had). Then, I got up and told her I was going apple picking in Minnesota and left the room. This was around one in the morning. My mom said she found me on the couch in the living room, but I don't remember any of it. I don't have a stuffy nose or anything. I'm feeling better now, but my fever is already up to 100 and it was 98 when I woke up. Is this just a virus? My friend had the same thing but her fever wasn't as bad and the person she got it from only had it for a day. So what's up?

Poll says most Marines do NOT want gay roommates...shouldn't our fighting men and women have a say in this?

as everybody knows from my postings I am pro military and support our troops completely, that said they need to just deal with it. This is 2011! So people are gay! Big deal! If that person is willing to save you on the battlefield who cares if they are gay or not! Everyone has a right to serve if they wish to. Who one sleeps with is not the commanders problem unless it interferes with the job! Just like when the military started to take women, changes will have to be made to accommodate everyone. I truly believe our younger generations are more accepting and understanding about ity! If it bothers a marine to share a room with a gay person the marine that's bothered can request to be moved. Simple as that.

What do you do to p the time when you're leveling on Runescape?

I always found it best to watch something on the computer. I always watched family guy online, and just switched occasionally to continue mining, Wc, etc. Heres a link for a good site to watch TV shows.

Possible argument against religion and God?

the problem of evil? Tell me do you seriously think that if their was NO religious doctrine we would be in the streets killing, stealing and just have no ethic moral. Human kind doesnt need to be scared into being good. We would be a highly intelligent functioning society with possibly less crime without religion, think about all the wars its provoked in the past all the violence it has caused, all the "evil" as for evil, there will always be good and bad people. But just think about it like this if there was not evil , we would not know what good is.

Any Aspergers women out there?

If you are a recently diagnosed adult Aspie, did you tell people and if so, how did they react? My doc thinks I have Aspergers. I am 50 years old and it kind of fits and I am quite relieved I am not mentally ill, just different. I now fit in quite well though am considered 'not charming' (which doesn't bother me) and 'different' which isn't too bad either. I am arty and people expect me to be different. But I made the mistake of telling people what the doc suggested and now while I get the 'crazy creative genius' label, I'm also accused of things which are not as fair (or as true - ha ha). What has your experience been?

Question about herbal supplements...?

I just started taking two herbal supplements - one containing ginseng and one containing chromium picolinate. I took them two days in a row and ended up with horrible, crippling leg cramps at night. Does anyone know if either of these two supplements cause this? I looked online and didn't see anything about it. I'm going to take potium now too...but I was just wondering what's going on.

I was rude to my professor today, will he hhold it against my grade?

it was the final. i brought a scan tron . there was a tiny curl int he corner, probably from the manufactuer came like that. was not a bend or a fold, just a small curl. he said " no non prisitne scant rons like this one. go to the bookstore" Knnoiwng that would take half hour and cut my test taking time from 1 1/2 hour to jus one hour. so i got mad and i said real saracastically A" Oh god!!!@ " then i found a new one in my bag, and go THERE! he goes ' that will do " i said really rude "thANK GOD!' was i super rude or does he know he deswrved it.

Name a book in this style?

what is another book in the style of agatha christie's and then there were none, where there's a bunch of people in the same place and either all of them have to kill one of the other people, or one person is slowly killing everyone else off.

Question About American Idol Process?

i would imagine it is like any job anywhere. You fill out an application, bring ID as much as you can and I think if you are under 18 you need someone with you. When they decide you are going on then they provide the transportation ( a plane) and the shelter and food and even give them money for clothes to go on stage. They provide guidance in singing and stylists to work with you to get your own look. Good luck I hope yu go on it.

Which church has God's priesthood authority?

The one which the Holy Spirit speaks through. Sometimes we need to remember that we all have the same adversary. Seeking the truth may have many paths, but there is only one way to the Spiritual Father. Truly , this is a question you would ask in prayer, not necessarily of people. : )

How to deal with a liar?

Warn him you will not stand any lies from him,give him time to improve for a month .if still he lies then ignore him,Start afresh.Admiral V K Singh

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Do dentists really do unnecessary treatments for children?

Im very disturbed I brought my 5yr old daughter to new dentist today for cleaning and a filing or two I was told at one time today she may have 4 cavities then it all moved so fast before I knew it she was sedated and had 7 yes 7 crowns silver crowns on molars. When the nurse came to let me know she was done she mentioned I think they fixed a Little more then mentioned when I saw her mouth I couldn't help but cry for her..We brush daily even floss her couple times a week she doesn't like candy or juice fed baby never had bottle or nuk. So she never complained about pain in teeth so was it necessary for such extensive measures they never explained or showed me xray or ever told me a plan shame on me this is my number1 baby so It breaks my heart to think she had to go through this........any thoughts? Is this odd? Am I over reacting? Lack of communication I just can't stop thinking about this. Thanks Amie very desperate for answers

Please help finding out this song? ?

It's a Beastie Boys son and it has a voice changer in it, so it sounds like a alien sort of in the has some rap elements...any help with this?

Do you think it can be cleaned and preserved???

My wedding day was almost 7 years ago and I never even cleaned or preserved my gown. My train wasn't secured the right way and someone stepped on it and snapped the bustle straps so my train ended up being dragged on the dirty floor all night. I just took a look at my dress and it looks BAD. Do you think it can be SAVED??? I have two daughters and I would like to save it for them to wear if either of them chooses to, what are the chances of getting out the stains and dirt after 7 years?? Thanks in advance.

How can I start playing barre chords?

I've been playing guitar almost a year now. I have tried to play barre chords but it doesn't seem to work no matter how much or how long I practice. I've had strings cut into my fingers because i thought i wasn't pressing down hard enough. I've tried just about everything. I sill get a buzzing sound if any sound other than the sound of muted strings. can anyone tell me what im doing wrong. I'm a 16 yr old girl and i have small hands anyway. Can anyone tell me what im doing wrong?

What meat market in Los Angeles or San Bernardino county sells the best raw Carne Asada preperada?

Sounds like you have a good start on your list. I have lived in Long Beach all my life (52 yrs.) and have forgotten more meat markets and fish markets than I can remember. You can barely turn around in this area without seeing an ethnic market of some sort. I do a lot of ethnic cooking myself but am always on the look out for something new. I'll add you as a contact and if your profile allows e-mails I'll send you new locations in the L.B. Seal Beach, Cerritos area, etc. when I come across them. Sounds like that would be somewhat of a drive to get down here, but I've been known to drive 30 miles for good food, how 'bout You??

Are These Bailout Requests Getting A Little Graphic (o That Is)?

I guess the industry could make the argument that if more people , then there would be less violence since everyone would be too "busy" especially in this recession.

I know you are but what am i?

not trying to be rude but et over her! trying ot go out with your ex's never works (i went out with a guy like 5 times before i finally got over him )

Why does my life feel like this?

I feel unloved. I have a family and a sister that has been like a best friend to me since as long back as i can remember. but yet when im around them i dont feel complete. I don't feel love from my friends either. when im around them i talk to them and make them laugh, but unless they're constantly telling me how funny/fun/loveable i am i feel worthless and empty. always insecure. i lose every boyfriend i get within months. nobody ever loves me and i can't figure out why. i feel empty. like i will be alone forever. and i don't want people to feel sorry for me or tell me im a stupid teenager. im seriously deathly afriad to be one of those lonely adults in apartments with a cat. without friends and without a partner. my family does not fufill my heart's wants. what is life without love and companionship? it is nothing and it's a long and dragging life.

Am I the only woman who doesn't think it's fair that we are the ones to get pregnant?

While men are able to do as they please and magically ume responsibility once the child is here. Just once I'd like for my husband to be able to understand and empathize pregnancy in it's entirety!

What is that style called when you see people wearing really arty clothes with dread locks and bright clothing?

may sound weird but what is that style where people have dread locks, wear arty, bright clothes and are kind of hippyish but not? where do yu get the clothing?

Interview soon.. any last tips?

i have a job interview in about 3 hours. Any last tips? Im trying to get a summer job as a litter picker upper. There are two other people trying to get my job. Should i wear a suit, tie and leather shoes? or just a T-shirt and jeans? should i wear my collar shirt with ons and colorful stripes? should i bring my resume, even though none of us did? she asked a few people if they wanted to be litter picker uppers. Three people, including me said yes, so now i have an interview... any tips?

How to quit my job. 10 points best answer!?

I feel the best way is to provide two weeks notice. How and why? How would be dependent on the policy for quitting that job. Some places require a form, a letter, verbal notice, etc. To be safe, tell your boss in person, and simply ask what is the best way to formally give my two weeks notice? Not only is it professional to give a two weeks notice, but most employers will allow you to be rehired this way for next summer maybe. Also, if you give two weeks notice that employer is more apt to giving you a good recommendation down the line. You will need another job one day, why not leave a good trail of info about you! :) Good luck!

Which substance is likley to have the highest boiling point? HF, H2,CH4,KF?

Ranking from high to low. Ionic compounds has the highest boiling point. Therefore, KF, has the highest boiling point. H-F does hydrogen bonding, but it's still lower in boiling point compared to KF. Goodluck!

How can I raise my ACT score?

well, you can take better notes and study them, bring home your books and study the stuff your not o so sure about, ask for help from a parent, guardian, or teacher. and if your really desperate,(i recomend not to do so) cheat.

Please help!! Personal Issue!!?

Im about to be a junior in high school, and am 17 years old. This freshman girl ive known all year is 14 years old and a pretty big girl (not that theres anything wrong with that., and told me she likes me and if i could be her boyfriend. I told her I didnt like her like that, and she preceeded to slap me in the courtyard during lunch and yelled "youre just telling me no because im fat!!" Now, people are treating me different, including my friends, and now even my teachers are treating like im a horrible person. What do I do? How do I convince almost the entire school im not a shallow person? And more importantly... I dont feel like I told her no because of her weight, but did

How do you get over a breakup?

My bf just brokeup wit me and he told me not to cry. But like im listenin to songs and i cnt help crying. What do i do to feel better?

I am such a klutz!?

I trip over anything! Even if its on a flat surface,i will find SOMETHING to trip over. Why am i such a klutz, and how can become more cordinated?

Symbol or good quote or word for open mindedness, or equality. i want to get a tattoo having to do with that?

i really want a tattoo and i think symbols are cool, like any symbol. and im all for equality or rights. im not gay myself. but i think gayness is fine, but i dont want like a rainbow tattoo. so thanks for the help.

Do i need two submersable pumps for my pond w/ skimmer?

You don't really even need a skimmer at all. Read my articles at a href="" rel="nofollow" for all the reason why you don't. But even if you decide on having one, you only need one pump. From the skimmer, the hose goes over the waterfall. The pump would go in the skimmer, not in the bottom of the pond. The 4200 gph pump is a fine size for what you want.

Is the study of anthropology biased as it is a western-centric subject with European views of other cultures?

Isn't it tainted by the fact that it stems from the European age of exploration and compares all other societies to the European model? For example is it likely African based anthropologists to study European society and be published their findings in a scientific journal?

Whats wrong with my cod 5 multiplayer?

Update all of your drivers and your overlooking a Crucial aspect of this. What type of connection do you use? Remember they even warn you "Online Play may be different than single player modes."

Are quarks physical particles?

If you are suggesting that a lot of people on this forum don't have the knowledge they claim to have, I'm inclined to agree.

Why did we hyperventilate,feel drained and have the word mirror in are head after a ouija session?

We were playing ouija and it started getting weird. And then that stuff happened. its initials are G.V.I. its a girl it was killed by murder. What the frick is going on?!?!

Do you like the name Althea?

It's an old-fashioned girl's name and she could be called Thea for short. And what kind of middle name would work well with Althea?

Do you love eggs in omelets? In poems?

And I thought that all you could say about eggs was which came first the chicken or IT! I like the poem EGG and I also like baby's blue - I suddenly feel I'm in the centre of a brain forum. I'm sorry I can't follow such genius!!

Lia is bicycling west at a rate of 2mi/h faster than matt, who is traveling south after 1h they are 10mi apart?

thilia and matt leave the same point at the same fast is each person going?(hint: use the pythagorean theorem.)

Is eating all this bad?

Well it all depends on your metabolism if you are worried about gaining weight. If you have a very fast metabolism you would be fine. But in terms of nutritional value, you're not doing very well with this stuff.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Ibanez RG? What do you think?

One of my friends is selling a white ibanez rg for $250 in very good condition, with a free box of strings. I think its a good deal and i have played it before and like it. I just want to know what other people think about this and if you think its good. Oh and now, i have a Fender Squier (the only other guitar i've had)

What is the fastest Mustang (up to date) ?

I know of Shelby, Foxbody, SVT Cobra, GT, Shelby GT500, Roush, Steeda and Saleen. Personally, i think the 2011 Mustang Gt 5.0 is the fastest, but my friend says that its the Saleen. He think this because its cost can go up to $130,000. What do you think is the fastest Mustang ?

How can i have old myspaces deleted?!?

When you type in my name on myspace, my old ones from middle school show up! i had like 4 of them, i had to keep making more because i couldnt get on them anymore, the pwords stopped working. so i cant log on and delete them myself. i havent been on them since like 2007! can i contact myspace somehow and have tem deleted? its really embarresing and i dont want colleges or jobs to see that..

Is the AIG-tax even constitutional?

The first modern income tax law in 1913 backdated the imposition of tax to March 1, 1913 when the 16th amendment was ratified.

HPV question (GW)?

On Average how long do warts last?, and I wonder... how do they make pills to supress HSV and not HPV???

Can a shop in England legally refuse a Scottish �10 note?

I am not asking if Scottish notes are legal in England. I know that they are perfectly legal. The question is can a shop refuse them anyway. It just happened to me and they said their reason was because it was too much hle giving them back out again as change. In fact they said it was Blockbuster Video policy to refuse them! Are shopkeepers actually allowed to refuse it and can Blockbuster actually make it a policy to refuse them?

An economic question?

what does the main reason that the shift from keynes school and to the monetarist school...what is the main belief of the monetarist??

The Sunscreen Controversy: Sunscreen, skin cancer risk, and malignant melanoma? What's the deal?

I've heard from many places that sunscreen can lower you chances of skin cancer. Then you hear that the FDA concludes that sunscreen alone doesn't do anything to prevent skin cancer. Then you hear others that say that sunscreen may even increase the likelihood of malignant melanoma, the most lethal of the three types of skin cancer, and that there's a difference between the underlying processes that cause sunburn and malignant melanoma and that stopping sunburn doesn't stop the latter of the two. They say that sunscreen helps prevent the two most common types of skin cancer, but may aggravate the most lethal of the three because of what it does with free radicals in the skin. So, what's the scoop on all this? If you get a sunscreen that not only blocks UVB but also UVA rays and apply it every two hours no matter what, would you still have this problem? What does one do to protect themselves?

When I'm sad/mad I write. Should I? Can I use this as an advantage?

Uh.. well... I guess you should keep writing if it helps you understand your feelings better. You really are a good writer, so I guess you can use it as an advantage. It might be a way for you to cool off when you're mad, or calmer when you're sad.

Agressive fish?

name all of the most agressive fish that can be homed in a 20 gallon.(not lake tanganyika, malawi, or mbuna fish)

Psychopaths? Personality disorder?

So I'm wondering if borderline personality disorder is a key reference like antisocial is to sociopaths. And please explain what it is. And psychopathic traits. You see i know this one girl. And when she was younger... She'd abuse her animals by suffocation and stranglation she even killed her bird. And you see. Do some innoproprete things to them and like the feeling is there a name for this? Also could she be a psychopath o.o

I need to find a phone number for the dance bar The Discotheque in Tel Aviv near Rabin Square?

I've looked through a ton of sites and no one has a listed number. I believe it's on Shaul HaMelech St, #2.

Are oriental females truuuly the best get into a relationship with/?

i have dated females from around the world except oriental or polynesian and wondering if i am missing out.

On mtv's the paper?

i hate gianna. shes so damn ugly lmao. but trevorrr omgg hesss hot id side with him annnnnyday :) but honestly amanda didnt do anything and shes trying to be mature while the rest of them are acting like 2 year olds

Help!! What was I given!?

hello my gal friend and i wanted to have some fun this past weekend before we went to a rave. we got some hallucinogens that were legal. its like a legal ecstasy but some what diff. so we got them and took them. we waited and waited but nothing happened so we went to the rave but during it we got extremely tired and i got a headache, stomach ache, body pains, etc. she only felt tired..well we went home early and went to sleep. we didnt even have cool dreams. no hallucinations happened at all. we were really pissed. we paid 60 bucks for three capsules. we had connections cuz we knew the guy well but he bought from another person and apparently gave us stuff hes never tried before. we told him nothing happened nd he got mad too. the whole next day i still had stomach, head, and body pains. finally today i didnt have those so i thought nothing of it that it mght be the "drug" we took so i thot well maybe we took it wrong. i got the third pill from the night before and took it thinking maybe it would work but now im having all those pains again but worse..what were we given?? so before i end it i looked at these pills i had in my medicine cabinet and the substance that we took felt and looked the same but it did smell diff so were we given a type of medicine and ripped off? im not sureand need all of your pplz help! its greatly appreciated except for all rude talk! sorry its so long and thanks for your time! plz help me out! thanks much!

Help with physics before test tonight!?

A bowling ball (m=7.2 kg, radius=.11m) and a billiard ball (m=.38 kg, radius= .028m) may each be treated as uniform spheres. What is the magnitude of the maximum gravitational force that each can exert on the other?

I have a Dell Dimension 2400 with the standard hardware: Pentium 4 @ 1.6 GHz...?

It used to run XP fine but I now need to re-install the OS because the hard drive crashed and I bought another one. When I installed Windows 2000 Pro SP4, the install seemed to go well but upon first reboot, it gave me a blue stop screen saying that something was wrong with the video drivers or something. Upon subsequent reboots it just halts with a blinking cursor in the upper left screen. Any ideas? Ideas for a working Windows 2000 Pro install or XP install welcomed. I don't care much about OSs. Thanks in advance.

Who should Chuck Liddell match up with next in the UFC?

I would like to see Chuck Liddell fight someone like Thiago Silva or Shogun Rua before he gets a shot at the light heavyweight belt again.

Im 20 with student loans trying to join the Air Force?

I have 24,000 in student loans...i know some say that you can tget in with large amounts of debt...but does student loans count...i have good credit..i have 2 years of college behind other bills except cel fone and student loans...will this effect my chances...and are thier any ways the air force can help me pay this bak beside sme comin out the pocket

Can someone pls tell me where I can download the samba song Tum Chiki Tum?

an easy way to find most songs is to go to google, type in the name of the song and the artist followed by mediafire, it the easiest way i know and there's like no viruses!

NEED suggestions for a first name...?

Melissa Shannon Brody? Alexandria Shannon Brody? Michaela Shannon Brody? Or if you are willing to use Shannon as a first name I think Shannon Alexa is a gorgeous name.

How to tighten loose skin after weight loss?

I could burn fat without undergoing a Dieting Program, loss 30 pounds in 10 days this is great.

Why are girls like this in college?

I am in college and live in an apartment with three other guys and it is pretty wild. One of my roommates (lets call him Jim), is what some would call, a ladies man. There is no denying it. This kid juggles 4 -5 good looking girls at once. Now here is the problem. My other roommate and I have always been very perplexed by Jim's ability to lure women in. Jim is not in very good shape, he is short and has a tiny frame. However, all the girls claim he is "good looking". But, appearances don't matter, it is personality that counts, right? Wrong...Jim is honestly the most deceitful and manipulative kid I have ever known. When I first met him I noticed how easily he got people to adore him, even I thought he was awesome at first, but then I got to know him. See I am the kind of guy that reads straight through bullshit, it runs in my family. So I soon became the guy who would immediately call him out for every manipulative thing he tried to do, and I was commended for it. This created a tension between me and him. He knows that I wont tolerate his BS and for that he both hates and respects me. Anyway, back to the point. Jim is constantly nailing dozens of girls that clearly deserve better then him. I feel so bad for some of them because they think that he actually likes them when in reality they are just the flavor of the week. Jim had this beautiful, smart, caring, cool, down to earth girlfriend once and he cheated on her all the time! Literally this girl was amazing, but my buddies and I felt so bad for her. She clearly deserved better. BTW to clarify this has nothing to do with jealousy, which I know many people will be quick to point to. Neither me or my friends are unattractive or self conscious. We have all been in relationships. We have great personalities and are genuinely good people (unlike Jim). No, we aren't the most successful guys with women on campus, but we do alright. It just perplexes us why so many good girls are going after this guy, when they deserve better. Why oh Why? Please tell me what the deal is with these chicks? It is utterly unfathomable to me how the universe has allowed this to happen. Good people deserve better they are being subjected to here. This question would be easy to answer if this was high school, but its not its college! and we are seniors! I always thought girls were supposed to have matured by now. Thank you and sorry for the shotty explanation this is what I like to call a finals break.

Is raw getting better or is it just me?

I wanna be a wwe superstar so fricking bad wrestle in the bigest promotion in the land Uh, I wanna be on the cover of wwe magazine Smiling next to the rated r super star [Chorus] Oh every time I close my eyes I see my name in shining lights.................................s… bout that so is raw getting better

AF Tech School Bus Info? ?

My husband is currently at Sheppard AFB for Tech School and will be coming home for the holidays. He mentioned to me that there are buses available but not sure if they only go to Wichita/Sheppard AFB Airport. Does anyone know if also go to the Dallas Airport?

Does this mean New York does have a chance at ping a bill favoring Gay Marriage?

No, no connection. Bloomberg and Paterson are not the roadblocks to same- civil marriage rights in New York. Joe Bruno and others in the state Senate are. We'll get there someday, but not tomorrow.

Isomers help please.......?

how two molecules can have the same chemical formula, and have the atoms connected together in the same way but still be different????

Denver Locksmiths is the best locksmith in denver, co?

how do you feel about locksmiths scams? Rip off locksmith or other locksmith scams in denver, co? I had a great experirnce with denver locksmiths ( but I've heard other stories on rip off locksmiths. Who would you recommend? Who you had experience with?

I have a bit torrent question?

ok so heres what im trying to figure out i use bit torrent software mainly bitspirit to download my torrentsi connect wirelessly over the network 802.11n reciver and router i have a 1.5MB connection my roomate uses the graboid video service and he can usually connect at 1.5 to 1.6 MBs if im not on my other roomate plays linage(spelling?) but as soon as i start downloading even with limiters on such as the built in limiter and having netlimiter 2 pro on i still (supposedly) manage to bog down the entire conection to where the other 2 rromates cant even connect even if both programs say im downloading around 100KBs(sometimes upto 200KBs) so im trying to figure out if there is A.) if i truly am using way more then it says i am and why, and B.) if it is me thats doing it is there a way to control it or no i'd really love to be able to continue my bit torrent use but not at the expense of not letting my roomates get on to play

The Benefits Of L Glutamic?

Hello can someone please tell me what are the benefits and the role of l glutimic when bodybuilding training and also i have just purchased a tub of holland and Barret whey protein powder but when i read the back i noticed that it does not contain l glutimine why do you think they have not added this in the powder as i thought it is the most essential amino acid there is for building muscle thanks

Erecting/installing a shade sail?

I have a paved courtyard and looking to set up a shade sail using the 3 surrounding brick walls I have. I don't want to put up posts. What is the best way (for a beginner) the best way to do this? is it safe to drill into the bricks of the house?

Why does my face still feels dry?

I use a moisturizer and eye moisturizer, but I still feel dryness after several hours. Is it possible that some make-up foundations or make-up can dry your skin? Has anyone found make-up foundation or eye make-up tobe drying to your skin?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I have a really big bottle of 1993 Beringer Chardonnay that was sitting on top of my kitchen cabinets, consume?

it smells really bad, and my g/f consumed 3 gles when I was out, and to be honest, I thought it might not have been filled with wine. She's fast asleep, I took one whiff and almost threw up. Anyone know anything about the restaurant-sized bottles that are 2' tall and 6" inches wide at the base?

How should I ask him? Help ASAP please?

So he said he'd (he as in the guy I like) be down if I knew of something tonight. I texted him telling him my friend was having a kickback and the area. Then he said, "yeah that's the area." but he didn't ask if we were going or that he wanted to...should I say anything? Idk what. I want to go but I def don't want to be annoying. I'm just hating my life & it sucks cus i never go out :(( I just want to go out with him tonight & forget everything...but idk he doesn't seem excited. Drop it or should I say something? If so, what?

Work from hone with Google....?

I work full time and make livable money. Just like many people I could badly use more income. At the begining of the year my hours were cut down to 2 days a week. Now back to full time work I'm struggling to catch up on what got behind. I'm just about there but could use a boost. I'm not looking for a get rich quick scheme, just something real that can help me. I've been doing ChaCha, but the income is sooo slow and takes alot of time to build up. I was wondering if anybody knew of any other REAL work from home opportunities? I've been hearing alot about this Google, home based job. Has anyone tried it? Or know if it's a real opportunity? Thanks for any help.

Mt Rushmore in October?

How would Mt Rushmore be to see in in October. Wold the trees have lost all the leaves by then or would they be changing. Would it be nice to see then or would it be to late in the season.

Does anybody know WHY janis joplin did drugs?

im doing an essay on abuse drugs by famous people and cant find the reason why she did heroin and alcohol, can anybody help me?

I want to buy ps3 or xbox 360 or wii which is better? and where is the best place to buy it from in jeddah?

i want to buy a video game but i don't know what to chose. ps3 or wii or x box 360. and after that i want to know where could i buy one of these for the most reasonable price in jeddah, ksa.

How much would my level 82 in runescape cost?

He has full rune (G) 72 Str; 67 Attack; 68 Hp ; 61 Def; 54 Mining; 43 Smithing; 76 Woodcutting ; 54 Fm ; 62 Fishing ; 64 cooking ;35 Agility; 18 slayer ; 45 Fletch ;44 prayer;52 rune crafint ;41 construction ;17 hunter ; and 33 summoning. how much is this acc worth?

Answer this question please?

if i type 40WPM which is (40 WORDS PER MINUTE), HOW WOULD I FIND OUT THE words per hour. I am trying to find out how to convert words per minute to keystrokes per hour. Any help would be great!

I'm wanting to start a new business, but not sure where to start?

I am having trouble understanding what these companies mean by Incorporate or LLC. Do you have to be either or? Does it depend on what kind of business I wan to run? Do I need to be bonded or insured? I want to do photography and my husband wants to do custom woodworks (furniture, chests, etc...). We aren't completely sure where to start.

In the novel Dracula by Bram Stoker....?

Why does Dr. Seward's name alternate between Jack and John? Does this have some kind of significance? I'm reading this book in order to do a book report, and I find it very curious that he should be called two different names.

How do i tell him he smells awful?

This guy i work with smells like hot mustard because he eats chicken dippers with hot mustard sauce and he wreaks of mustard.

Who can help me with a spinach and artichoke cerole?

Rachel Ray had a really yummy spianch and artichoke mac and cheese on yesterday. I am going to make it when my hubby gets home.

Does Timothy Geithner make any sense in his letter to Nacy Pelosi?

You know its everything for the welfare people and punish the people who are struggling but making their house payment.Its all for the welfare blood suckers to make sure they vote for Democrats.Wonder how far I would get if I stopped making house payments.I would be on the sidewalk.

4 Year old german Sheppard wont stop throwing up?

Take him to the vet asap! The same thing happened to my dog last year... She was vomiting at least once per hour, even when I didn't feed her anything. I found out that she had an obstruction and the vet had to do surgery to remove a foot of her intestines. Has he been eating gr alot lately? Sometimes they do this when they have a tummy ache. The yellow stuff you see is bile and that's not good.... Could be something like pancreatitis, It's usually due to feeding fatty foods or too much people food... I found this out the hard way, my dog almost died from that but thankfully she pulled through and I kept her on a strict diet after. If he's vomiting that often, it's definately serious and you need to get him to a vet now!

What do we mean by neutralisation?

Neutralization is a chemical reaction (also called a water forming reaction since a water molecule is formed during the process) in which an acid and a base or alkali (soluble base) react to produce salt and water (H2O). During the process, hydrogen ions H+ (a bare proton) from the acid (proton donor) or a hydronium ion H3O+ and hydroxide ions OH− or oxide ions O2− from the base (proton acceptor) react together to form a water molecule H2O. In the process, a salt is also formed when the anion from acid and the cation from base react together.

Do you think this is good?

yes very good,Keep in mind the air climber could be raised to 40 minutes. 2 pound weight loss a week is excellent, which the extra time on the air climber can give you.

Is the lack of big names at the wsop main event final table good or bad for poker?

In reality, the success of the telecast is due to casual fans, and I'd guess that most weren't familiar with Cunningham or Watkinson and probably had no idea of anyone in 03. What really keeps people interested outside of the poker play is how ESPN actually presents the telecast. Contrary to most of their programming today, they do a great job with their interviews and asides to generate stories independent of the actual players. While I'd very much like to see a final table with 2 or 3 fairly well known guys, I'm more than happy to watch relative unknowns. Besides, a top pro does not guarantee interest. Watkinson was one of the interesting players at the table last year anyway, in terms of casual fandom (although I like watching him play).

Which of these Shakespeare's plays?

Well I consider all of these Shakespeare plays as good but my personal favorite is Henry V. It my not be exactly historically accurate but it is wonderful! I love the St. Crispin's Day speech and I believe its one of the best in literature

Is saying “Mormonism is part of Christianity,” like saying, “A cattle tick is part of the cow”?

Do you guys know what a cattle tick is? It’s a parasitic insect that attaches itself to a cow and feeds on its blood. Is Mormonism perfectly comparable to a parasitic insect that has attached itself to Christianity and feeds on its lifeblood?

Frds can u read my question plz tell me a solution?

nan athirstasaliya ila thurathirstasaliya terila enaku merrage agi 2years agudu en kalyanathuku munadi oru aal enga vetku pakatla work pana enoda job vishyama avanta en parents pesi en resume kodthanga adula en mobile no pathu enaku ph pana piragu adikadi ph pani en munnetrathula akkarai irukamadri pesi pesi oru katathula enmela romba anbu irukardaum kadal irukadaum pesinan enaku virupam ilamale avan izhutha izhupukalam samathichan kariyam mudinjathum enkita pesrathu kuda ila oru katathula avane vilagitan one year kalichu merrage aiduchu enaku ipa 2years aichu avanum ithe oorthan irukan tirumba en no kandupichu ph panan na avoid panan 2 time no mathinen 6months kalichu tirumba ph pandran romba bayamaruku enaku en kanavaroda mudhal manaivi undu avaloda annanum andha um frds enga ivan avankita soli en kanavarkita soli en vazhkai melum sikal aidumonu bayamaruku plz help panugapa

Mitigate the effects of food poisoning?

The alcohol won't kill whatever bacteria are ingested, but it might kill you. If you aren't dead from alcohol poisoning, you'll be ped out at the very least, and if your body is reacting to food poisoning the normal way, through vomiting, there's an excellent chance of choking to death.

Do you think that danica patrick has a chance at the indy 500?

Every driver has a shot. That's what makes Indy Indy. She's starting 5th, so that's good, but Danica and her team have to do a better job of putting a car under her that is consistent and stable the entire race. That doesn't happen a lot-she frequently complains of understeer or push and has to make adjustments that sometimes work, sometimes not.

The italian premier Silvio Berlusconi has said:"Obama is beautiful, tall and sun-tanned".......?

European are not caught up in the racism issue as much as Americans are. They do not think of comments such as that as being offensive. And neither should we! There was no offense intended.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ok i was charged with 2 counts of forgery, by the bank can the store take a warrant out on me forthe samething?

i was charged with 2 counts of first degree felony forgery by the bank, can the store i cashed the checks at charge me with the same forgery charges if they already got their money??

What is in creamy dressings like Ranch or Caesar which is so bad for you?

If you're trying to get in better shape and lose weight apparently these are terrible to put on a salad... but why? If you get a "fat free" version does it become tolerable?

Maplestory quest question?

i forgot where he was but its near lith harbor just ask around and someone should be able to tell you

My car is a Toyota Mark II, Model is GX 81, Year of manufacture1989, a nice straight 6 cyl engine,?

automatic transmission. Sweet machine. 3days ago a mechanic told me one engine nozzle is not supplying gas at all or not fine. I know nothin abt this. He said he corrected it. The results are that the automatic transmission appears to be stuck on OVERDRIVE OFF mode. When i hit the on on the gearshift 2,3 times, the dashboard O/D OFF light responds on & off but NO response at all on the engine performance.The car is still heavy and sort of wants u to press hard on the gas paddle for gears 3,4,5 to kick in. Thats not usual on the O/D ON mode. It does not change gears as usual. Number 1,2,3 takes a lot mo speed to kick in than previously. I dont like to drive that fast. I dont get No.5, which i used to get easily at around 60km/hr. I think it takes guzzles mo fuel too. Does it? Normally fuel consumption is around 8km/litre in town. Can someone please help? I need to travel to Arusha, 1400km round trip,but am worried on the fuel consumption. I am in Dar es Salaam,Tanzania, East Africa.

Help with Entry-level DSLR?

i like the canon. it is very user friendly,but i would p on the 18-55 kit lens. it is very cheaply made mostly pastic. But guess its good to get you into a dslr for a reasonable amount of money.

I am offered a phd position with full tuition cover+13k taxfree stipend in Univ of Glasgow. Is it sufficient?

a tax free amt of 13000 pa for maintenance, will it be sufficient in Glasgow? I am 27 now... have plans to marry one yr down da line...

Gooood actor...??

i told this guy that i like him before break and he didnt answer me anything on the subject. now we're back to school and he is acting like nothing happened. like , when i went round him and his friend, he stopped me to talk and then he wanted to hug me, and as i didnt want, he pulled back. and after a while, he tried again so we hugged. it wasnt that we were too close friends before...but we used to do this once in a while. now im confused if he is just acting to be nice ( which would make him GREAT actor) or is he trying to hint something els??

What do you think of the situation?

You go girl !!! Definitely wait till you are married... they think they are cool or something if they did it earlier .... and let them think of all the consequences.. if they laugh or try to change your mind... please don't ! there too many teen moms theses days !

JYP, YG, SM, and Cube Ent. Live Audition 2011?

Does anyone have any information on when JYP, YG, SM, or Cube entertainments are going to have a live audition in Los Angeles? If there isn't a live one will there be an online one or any audition in general? I've checked almost everywhere but I can't find any information. I've heard that JYP is going to have a live audition in Singapore and Hong Kong sometime in August or October, but I'd like to know whether they're going to have one in the USA this year or not. If you can please give me as much info as possible, it would be greatly appreciated. I've tried to do the JYP online auditioning, but the video wouldn't upload, and I've noticed a lot of people having that problem too, but if you can help me with that problem, it would also be greatly appreciated.

Briggs & Stratton pressure washer question?

Briggs & Stratton have been around for a long time and used for a wide range of applications.The carb. system is very basic and most problems can boiled down to dirt it the system, water or sticking linkage etc . The year it ws made is not that important parts for it can be found by model number.You may want to redifine your question to the accual problem yoou are having and I may be of more help

Can you guys tell me where to start? I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to these styles of music?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Potty training tips anyone? I forgot how....?

I do daycare and I have two 2 year olds (boy and girl) whom are potty training. I have completley forgotten how to pottytrain! I keep trying and trying and they wont go. I cant sit in the bathroom allll day (there are others to attend to). Bribery doesnt work with them because I dont think they understand. I am trying to make it fun...but again, nuthins happening! They do however like the idea of sitting there so thats a start. One of the kids...the boy, has an older brother and mom said I could use him BUT he stands....

How do I properly use "that is" in a sentence?

What you've done is fine. There is a subtle style difference between your version and Sicilian Godmother's suggestion. Your version compliments the readers' intelligence by implying that they knew all along what Bernay's chief goal was, and that you're just reminding them, whilst if you use the "...which is ..." version you imply that the reader probably didn't know that before.

Need help with burn/scab!?

Hello well last week ( wednesday) I was a stupid twit and decided to put lemon juice on a few acne spots I had, well since i have sensitive skin, wasnt this just plain stupid. Friday morning i woke up and the whole right cheek was bright red and burnt, sucks. so since then i have been putting nothing but cold water and savlon on it and the burn scabbed over about monday. The scab has come off (its thursday now) however the skin looks no more healed and is still hugely red will this subside soon? p.s will vitamin e cream help?! Cheers to anyone who can help!

A great idea to borrow 700 billion from China? Absolutely!!!?

Your nuts! 30% of US debt is to asian countries. Your forgeting the interest rate we would be paying for that debt. If the US Government keeps borrowing they are going to force the US into default and everything we own would be worthless!

You guys im so p.o. help?

Ok so I have been working out constantly Since June 5th and eating as best as I can. Gs, veggies, carrots, as healthy as you can think of. I started off weighing 156 and now with all that hardwork I weighed by self this morning. I only lost 3 POUNDS. I'm so pissed. Is there a way where I can lose 7 more pounds by the end of this month?

How long does it take to detox of marijuana?

you will be fine if you don't smoke anything for at least three days prior the test, and just drink lots of water and green tea to flush your system of toxins and residues. the drug tests aren't that sensitive, and marijuana is the drug they should be least worried about. i wouldn't buy andy fad detox kits - nothing beats water and herbal teas.

Question for a highway engineer......?

A recent visit to Rumania, Poland etc at the end of their vicious - 40C winter failed to reveal any real problem with potholes. And these are seriously poor countries. France too was OK. Yet ours have been in a terrible state. Is this another case of the UK authorities building to minimal specifications, which with the cost of ongoing repairs is quite simply the most expensive option? And why are our new road surfaces comparitiveny uneven?

Ever ate at "Mickey's" in Okinawa?

I would love to have the recipe for Mickey's Taco Rice. That was the BEST food I've ever ate anywhere.

Detroit Rock City by KISS?

It's common knowledge the song "Detroit Rock City" by KISS was written by Paul Stanley about a night he was headed to a venue to perform and the driver of his limo was detoured around a very bad car wreck. Paul later that night after the show heard a news cast somewhere and they were reporting the wreck and that the person was killed while headed to the KISS concert.I am doing my best to find out more info on this wreck if it exists. Info such as who was the person killed, how the wreck occurred and has Paul ever talked about this wreck. If you have any info please answer this and if you have a link to backup what you are saying then please post it as well. Thank You.

LDS - Sealing a family member after he/she dies?

My father's side of my family is LDS and I am not. I'm spiritual but do not belong (and do not want to belong) to a church. They've mentioned in the past that the church can baptize and seal its member's family members postmortem. I wonder though, what about people who do not want this if they were to die before their parents (or other close family members who are LDS)? Isn't this practice selfish, considering the living aren't able to get the consent of the dead, but have the option to follow through on this postmortem baptism and sealing anyway? I feel like it's an invasion of privacy and autonomy, for lack of better words. How does the church reconcile this conflict?

Could it be wise of Obama to attempt somehow to outlaw the Confederate Flag, or is he the one to do it.?

I'm wondering about this. I wonder how he's going to handle the Daughters of the Confederacy issue.

Question about the movieThe Great Debaters.?

i dont think it was him. i just saw the movie today. if it was, i think they would have mentioned his name in the credits or he would have a bigger part. i thought the movie was really good though!!

Pokemon white umbreon moveset?

I would keep Dark Pulse, then you have a powerful dark type move available, you can always swap out confuse ray, for torment, but then I always prefer a more offensive pokemon then defensive.

What's with this windows update?

The updates are normally fixes and patches to file that may be vulnerable to attacks on the computer. Most will simply replace the original files. The important one to set your Windows Update to are the ones only for Security. You don't need every update they have that isn't for security. Yes there are quite a few and it won't stop until they are all installed.

Undergraduate Major Help and School Choice?

Unfortunately, since you seem to have decided that anything with any scientific evidence behind it is useless and that only faith-based ideas are worth pursuing, you probably won't enjoy anything you might learn at any respected university. Even in countries like China and India, where some of these ideas come from, they aren't taught as academic subject matters in universities. What you are suggesting is the equivalent of saying that only Christian beliefs have value, and you would like to replace chemistry and biology with faith in Christ in American universities. That isn't what they are for, any more than churches are places to learn physics and sociology. If you want a balance of these things in your life then fine, that is true of many people, but to impose them on universities just doesn't make sense.

Republicans , why do you blame Obama for all job loss?

lol. When Obama said his "emergency" stimulus would prevent the unemployment rate from going over 8.5%, he pretty much put it on himself to make that happen...and he hasn't. That's why he's being blamed. duh.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What's your fav weapon in Halo 1, 2, or 3?

Mine's gotta be the pistol in Halo 1, BR in Halo 2, and mauler in Halo 3. Although, I can pwn with the sniper too lol. And what weapon do you hate?

Taxpayer bails out Big Banks...GOOOOOD! Taxpayer pays living wage to Teachers....BAAAAAAD! Why?

Wasn't right to bail out the banks, still isn't right to bail out teacher wages. Ask your Democratic Party why they bailed them out, you might not like the answer though seeing how much you guys hate bankers (Spoiler--it's because you don't really hate them, in fact you love them...most of those top Wall Streets execs are Democrats and have been funding Democrat campaigns for a long time, the bailout was just like a Union payback...)

Whats that strategy game?

Does anyone know that sort of asian strategy game, its fairly old lol. Umm, there are like four races and you send your units to building to upgrade them...?Ummm, people work on rice farms to get you things! There was a barbarian race, and a race that had people with muskets, and some people that could shoot fireworks! lol

Printer problem! Someone please help?

Could it be you bumped it or something? What about down near your clock on the computer, is there an update waiting to install? I know whenever I have problems with mine, mines a HP F4235 deskjet, it's a pain sometimes, I unplug it from the port, shut down the computer totally shut the machine off, turn the computer back on, plug it back in and then turn the printer on and it clears the cache of any problems. Mine sometimes randomly will print out several peices of paper with a few blobs on them. Sometimes it's just a bad script leftover from something you printed a long time ago. The other thing you want to do is go to the HP website or microsoft windows and see if there are any updates for your printer, sometimes that's the problem if the other idea above doesn't work.

Was it just me or did eminem and joe budden murder the Ciphers?

Eminem murders every rapper, he just doesnt get enough credit. He is the best rapper alive.. people just dont want to admit it because he's "white". If he was born black, he would probably be considered the best rapper ever, but since he is white people have a love/hate relationship with him and he will never get the credit he deserves. Em is a genius... period, his delivery, rhymes schemes, melody, what he talks about.. he is the best rapper alive no doubt about it in my eyes.. and possibly the best ever.. His live performances sound like your listening to a CD of him rapping.. please, name ONE rapper that could do that and i'll shutup.. Eminem is the best, not cuz hes white. he just mastered rap and entertainment.

I want to get merry but before my elder sister can do like this in islam in in-law are their hearth & kidney?

u can make ur sister's profile in any matrimonial site.... don't know that whether its legal according to your religion but surely it can help u.........................

TMI maybe but 35 weeks and am having a hellish time physically and digestively?

Oh yes, the last few weeks are the most uncomftorable, you uterus is pushing your stomach up so if you ingest medium to large size meals they are more likely to come up, try eating very small meals throughout the day and avoid very spicy foods. the same is true for your bladder, the baby is pushing everything in his/her way up and down, thats why you are always getting up to pee

Whats a good diet for a snapping turtle?

I have a common snapper and i feed him total turtle food and gold fish and was wondering wat else i cud feed him

If an author wants you to identify closely or to sympathize with a character, she should:?

E. Create a character that does his or her own homework. An honest, incorrect effort is inherently better than a dishonest, correct answer.

How much power do Judges really have? can they make laws up 'off the cuff', when the current laws are abiguous

They have a great deal of discretion, which results in power, but in theory, this should be balanced by the people's right to apeal to a higher court.

I am very stressful lah seriously,are there any befriender call in our country?Can anyone provide its number?

pls help everybody, i can't cope lah i want to die or use parang to slash ppl around very tire . serious no joking

Can You Dig out of a Grave?

Ok, so we've seen people dig out of graves in movies. Is it physically possible to dig out of a grave from 6 ft under? What technicques would be used? Have any daredevils/stunt guys ever done something like this?

Horror Apocalypse story!~?

alright well I am horrible at making up storyline for characters..... all I know so far is that this is a world where the undead and demons are trying to take over.... I figured I would play an Evangelical Priest kinda like Father Anderson from Hellsing.... but I need a kick-*** story background... I get bonus points to create my character if I have a background..... whoever writes me a good background gets Rated Awesomely!~

So guys, I'm just curious about how this would turn out?

God gives another infallible proof that ures that the rapture of all true believers WILL OCCUR ON MAY 21, 2011, and the end of the world on OCTOBER 21, 2011.

The meaning behind a ual attraction to interspecies fictional characters?

I am going to take a shot at this one, but I can't say that I know for certain. Fictional characters are written by people...people who put particular traits into these characters that other people find attractive. We all desire and are attracted to particular traits, and I think sometimes those things change over time. What attracts you now may not tomorrow. I think the first question is to ask yourself exactly what it is that you like about that character regardless of who/what the character is. Is it because it is different and taboo? Is it because of something you need in your own life? Some trait you admire? Etc., etc. I think often what we deem unusual is more often common but we don't know it because people don't talk about it...and sometimes, I think there are real and rational reasons behind what seems utterly abnormal. Don't worry about it indicating anything in particular...unless it begins to interfere with your "real" life. Just my opinion - hope it helps.

Why the hell am I still ......?

Okay so i stopped my period bout idk last month on a idk im just gunna go with a thursday? Or at least i THOUGHT i stopped...but then less than a week later I started again..this has happened b4. i mean my last time having wuz April 10th!!! Im SO not pregnant. this is getting SOOO annoying and its complete buul sh*t. idk wut the hell is going on but im tired of always thinking im over my period for the month becuz theres no need for a tampon anymore but then like 3 days later i ****in find blood, my underwear. idk wut to do bout it either..ugh HELP???

How do you get rid of the vundo trojan?

I have a computer that has vundo. I've tried vundo fix, spyware dr, spysweeper, trojan blaster, bazooka, spybot & nothing works. I've run it in safe and regular modes.When I try to install Spysweeper the vundo won't let me install it. When I run some of the programs in safe mode it says it removed it. But when I run it again in regualr mode it's back. I am pretty good when it comes to this kind of stuff but this has me stumped.

Why would skin testing show negative for an allergy, but bloodwork show positive?

the skin test just measures the reaction on a small portion of your flesh. the blood test measures a more systemic reaction. a good allergist would have answered this question so that you would've understood. get a new specialist.

Questions on forming a rock band?

Hey bro, look when getting a place to play you have to go to the lowest cl of places even if that means a local park or a restraunt or some small event... but to get fans and more gigs it needs to sound good hard rockers like me like rock that has riffs and bridges and solos its important to make the music people want to hear

My friend told me today that she wasn't eating?

we went to the mall and i commented on how skinny she was getting (were 13) and i asked her how she lost so much weight so quickly and she told me not to tell anyone but she wasn't eating. she said that she takes the food her mom gives her for breakfast she just throws away and she throws away her lunch at school and she says she only eats like two bites of her dinner because she has to because her family always eats dinner together. i dont know what to do, its obviously not healthy but she wont listen to me. i tried everything i can think of but she won't budge. she says that she's never felt better and that she would hate me if i ruined it for her. i want to tell her mom but she said that when she lost a little more weight she would stop, she said that a while ago and shes STILL not eating and now she is throwing up the food she does eat! im so confused and i dont know what to do so i am pathetically turning to strangers on the internet because i cant even tell my own mom because my friend said that she would hate me forever. please help!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Available job for a hardworking 15 year old?

Im 15 years old and live in Milton Keynes. I really need a job and have been unable to find one. I am not fussy and will work weekends and evenings if necessary. Please let me know if there is one avaliable.

How do I know if I was approved for a loan from APF Services?

I applied online for a $7,600 loan from APF Services on Friday, 9/18/2009. How/when will I know if I was approved? How do I check the status of my application?

Anyone is St.Louis looking to buy a cat or two?

Try making flyers, with their pictures on them and hang them in vets offices. Chances are, the people that respond are going to be pet owners themselves, and if they are at the vet, they probably take care of their animals. You may get someone who doesnt want a kitten, and prefers an adult cat. You might get someone who had to put their own animal down, and is looking for a new friend.

What are the arguments concerning human nature?

I think the best and brightest of people were those more closely ociated with nature,,,it is rarely overlooked. Nature does not require is it's own mechanism. We set ourselves outside of nature by using our own ideas to mimic the miracles. Human it past, present, or future? Do we carry the ability to let natural instinct prevail all the time? Personally I think our ability to reason is the closest thing to actual nature that we will ever get.

Belly bar keeps going all wonky ?

mines does this all the time! its so annoying! and i think the guy made the holes too close together because you can see most of the bar. i think its been pierced funny, dear. sorry.


ok so guys today i woke up and suddely walked to my bathroom and saw my toothbrush. i picked it up and put toothpaste on it. the suddenly i started to brush my teeth. ALL oth the sudden-i was done and i walked in to my kitchen just to see my exboyfriend's little sister's picture on mi fridge. i picked the picture up and taped it on my moms car. 2 hours later i discovered a rock in my bed. this has never happened before. i am so worried this is a sign that my cancer is controlling my life. i keep having dreams about a little boy in a blue car yelling "haha i poped the popper" every day i wake up and write on mi mirror with lipstick "what is the popper?" google has not helped explaining this. i feel like mi life is closing down and im being sucluded in my room. what dose this mean?

If a dog has an extra toe on its feet is it an indication of inbreeding?

There puppies actually but most were born with the chicken claw on their foot. I know in humans an extra finger means they had a history of inbreeding so I'm uming the same holds true with dogs. Though it is interesting to know that dogs are decendents of coral and worms instead of fish like us humanoids

What is a good file converter?

Try to use axara video converter. It can convert video to any formats, rip and create DVD, burn it to disc.

Best way to make money in Runescape with these stats?

Just do slayer. Pick up your drops, alch what you can, plant your herb seeds and make your own pots. It's brainless but always varied. Plus when they release high level slayer monsters you can get in on the rush for new items.

I want to be a nurse anesthetist, but I have a problem.?

I have a really weird phobia about contracting HIV/AIDS, and other blood borne pathogens. What should I do? Thanks.

Was it bad that I yelled at my cat?

This morning, when I was in my room brushing my hair, my cat comes in. All of a sudden, he jumps at my window, and he ended up destroying my blinds(for my window)! He completey teared them apart! When I saw what happened, I screamed at him and told him to get out! I really didn't mean to yell at him, but those blinds were so expensive! My cat seemed to be a little afraid of me after I yelled at him, but do you think he will put that against me forever? I love my cat so much, I never meant to be mean to him!

How to bakers make bread so very melt-in-your-mouth soft?

i know the typical ingredients and how to knead, let rise, etc. but some bakeries make bread and rolls that, when you bite into it, is like ery, cotton candy soft. I want to know how they do that...

Police Officers, Do you use this Light on your car?

the spotlight should only be up when being used, otherwise it is positioned with the light pointing the fender or the lower corner of the windshield... this is for two reasons, it keeps the light housing out of your field of view and protects the lens from being broken from thrown gravel from your own front tire or from traffic in front of officer wants the light to be ready to work when he needs it and protects it from damage, not to mention the cost of replacement bulbs...they can be expensive...remember, this is a tool and not a toy...try to think of it as you dont want people to see it, keep it low profile, and it will be out of your way as well...and remember, the inappropriate use can be a felony if it causes injury, like shining into oncoming traffic and causing an accident or disturbing the peace if shined into homes for unofficial reasons. and the mere use of it inappropriately can also be viewed as impersonating an emergency vehicle in some having a red or blue light shining forward...There is a lot of liability involved with something as simple as a spot light, and used properly, it can be the most useful helping a friend fix a car at night. just dont point it backwards towards yourself when sucks when you turn it on and blind've had rookies hit the curbs and ditches from this...and have seen spots myself...haha

Alo t of mis understanding with this year taxes?

is it true that the irs have already paid some tax returns out all ready i thought everything was suppose to go out on feb 01,2011 (tuesday). i recently asked aquestio and they said thbat the irs has already paid some return to the some people or is this the RAL that everyone is trying to get . oh what type of mistakes could there be on a return. could it be a EIN number if so why would the irs accept the return.please answer the whole question if possible thanks alot

Where in lakeland, fl can a convited felon who finishing serving his time get a job?

So my brother in law is coming out of jail in 2weeks(Mid Aug. of 2010).He will be moving for the united states virgin Island to lakeland, florida with us.He has served 10years for a robbery..I am not sure if it was unarmed or arm. All I know my brother in law was young and stupid and basically following his older brother because their mom had abandoned 9 kids the youngest being a few months old and the oldest only in her 20's, so they did what they had to, to support all the kids. My husband was one of the youngest at the time. Finally social services when they got arrested for the robbery and explain the situation. So my question is, is their any program here in lakeland, florida that will help him find a job? Is their any place that anyone knows that will hire a convicted felon in lakeland, fl. He does have experience in labor such as masonry, carpentry, almost everything that includes building house. Which he did "building house" when he was young.

If a sunspot has a temperature of 5000 K and the Sun has a surface temperature of 5800 K,?

how much more energy per second does the surface of the Sun radiate as compared to the sunspot? x more

Do you like this romper?

I like it, but I would only wear it if I was laying out on the beach or something. For your body size rompers would be very flattering. If you are still interesting in looking for rompers try this website: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I received a civil summons for credit card debt.?

Your only legal defenses are that it was not your debt or that you didn't agree to the terms of the bank issuing the credit card. Not being able to pay is not a defense. Student loans do not get discharged by bankruptcy so that is probably not a good option for you.