Sunday, August 14, 2011

Should I Tell Him I'm Pregnant?

Ok, so your 16 and you have a baby on the way, right? And as I can see you obviously are mature enough to realize that this isn't a joke! Your boyfriend chose a dirt bag, and WEED over you? But he wants you back & you want to be with him. Honestly, my opinion for you is to tell him strait up that your pregnant with HIS child! Just say: Remember our condom incident? How it split?... well Will, I'm pregnant, and your the father." or however your wanna word it. He needs to really grow the hell up and realize you two made a big decision to have , and the consequences came true. He needs to be there for YOU and your baby. Let him back into your life. Don't forgive him completely though. He showed his ***! Tell him this is his last chance, and after this one there aren't anymore, and you won't look back! He screwed you over once, and if it happens again that's it! Goodbye! Tell him how much you love him but you can't deal with the hurt. I hope the best for you two! And your new member of the family! :) Good luck!

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